Opening hours
Swallows, Sampford Arundel
Monday 9.00- 3.00
Tuesday 9.00- 3.00
Stawley Preschool
Wednesday 9.00- 3.00
Thursday 9.00- 3.00
Friday 9.00- 3.00
Morning sessions run from 9.00 and finish at 12.00, just before lunch.
Afternoon sessions run from 12.00- 3.00 and include lunch time.
Preschool Fees 2024/25
2 year olds £7.16 per hour
3-4 year olds £5.23 per hour
Funding of 15 hours per week is available for ALL three year olds. We also accept two year old funding and 30 hours funding for those who are eligible.
Please click here for more information on funding.
We charge £1 per day for snack and 75p per session (am/pm) for consumables not covered by the funded hours.
Snack Contribution
We ask parents to pay* 50p per day to contribute to their child’s snack. We give the children a varied, healthy snack of fresh fruit and vegetables, followed by a choice of, for example, toast, a biscuit, breadsticks, rice cakes or malt loaf and milk or water for their mid-morning snack, often supplemented by something we have baked ourselves!
*This is a voluntary contribution. If you prefer not to pay this, you can send your child with their own snack.
All payments are made through ParentPay. You can visit the website by clicking the button below. When you register your child with us, we will give you an activation code for your ParentPay account along with instructions for how to set it up.